@goto goto This program and it's code are Copyright (c) 2010 by Paul Roman Ograbisz. All rights reserved. :goto @echo off if not "%1"=="" goto %1 :stsentry set lh_error1= set lh_error2= set lh_error3= if not "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" set lh_error1= þ Operating system is not based on Windows NT. [%os%] if not "%cmdextversion%"=="2" set lh_error2= þ Command line interpreter version may be wrong. [%cmdextversion%] set /a lh_settest+=2 set /a lh_settest+=1 if not "%lh_settest%"=="3" set lh_error3= þ Console command "set" on system unable to perform advanced calculation. set lh_settest= if "lh_error1"=="" goto warning! if "lh_error2"=="" goto warning! if "lh_error3"=="" goto warning! :noicheck title LifeHunter mode con cp select=850>nul mode con rate=1 set lh_playername=BaynseBax goto intro :warning! cls echo. echo. WARNING! echo. echo. The program detected follwing errors: echo. if not "%lh_error1%"=="" echo.%lh_error1% if not "%lh_error2%"=="" echo.%lh_error2% if not "%lh_error3%"=="" echo.%lh_error3% echo. echo. Please contact the support for help. echo. echo. If you want to use the program nevertheless, please start the program with echo. the parameter "noicheck" (without quotes) on your own risk. Expect errors. set lh_error1= set lh_error2= set lh_error3= pause>nul goto xx ================================================================================ INTRO ================================================================================ :intro color f1 cls set lh_introcols=16 set lh_introlines=1 mode con cols=16 lines=1 :reintro1 mode con cols=%lh_introcols% lines=%lh_introlines% set /a lh_introlines+=1 if not "%lh_introlines%"=="25" goto reintro1 if "%lh_beep%"=="1" @echo. :reintro2 mode con cols=%lh_introcols% lines=%lh_introlines% set /a lh_introcols+=2 if not "%lh_introcols%"=="80" goto reintro2 mode con cols=80 lines=25 if "%lh_beep%"=="1" @echo. set lh_introcols= set lh_introlines= cls echo. echo. echo. echo. _ _ _____ _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____ _____ ____ echo. Û Û ÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛ Û Û Û Û Û_ Û ÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ_ echo. Û Û Û___ Û___ Û___Û Û Û ÛÛ__Û Û Û___ Û___Û echo. Û Û ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛ Û Û ÛÛÛÛÛ Û ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ_ echo. Û____ Û Û Û____ Û Û Û___Û Û ÛÛ Û Û____ Û Û echo. ÛÛÛÛÛ Û Û ÛÛÛÛÛ Û Û ÛÛÛÛÛ Û Û Û ÛÛÛÛÛ Û Û if "%lh_beep%"=="1" @echo. goto mainmenu ================================================================================ MAIN MENU ================================================================================ :mainmenu color 1f cls rem ---------=---------=---------=---------=---------=---------=---------=---------= echo.Alpha Version echo. echo. echo. _ _ _____ _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____ _____ ____ echo. Û Û ÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛ Û Û Û Û Û_ Û ÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ_ echo. Û Û Û___ Û___ Û___Û Û Û ÛÛ__Û Û Û___ Û___Û echo. Û Û ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛ Û Û ÛÛÛÛÛ Û ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ_ echo. Û____ Û Û Û____ Û Û Û___Û Û ÛÛ Û Û____ Û Û echo. ÛÛÛÛÛ Û Û ÛÛÛÛÛ Û Û ÛÛÛÛÛ Û Û Û ÛÛÛÛÛ Û Û echo. __________________________________________________________ echo. Copyright (c) by Paul Roman Ograbisz. All rights reserved. echo. echo. echo. echo. if "%lh_changename%"=="" goto stndrtmm set lh_changename= set lh_userppt= set /p lh_userppt= [N] - Name: if "%lh_userppt%"=="" goto mainmenu if not "%lh_userppt:~1,1%"=="" set lh_playername=%lh_userppt:~0,10% goto mainmenu :stndrtmm echo. [N] - Name: %lh_playername% if exist "%lh_playername%.bat" (echo. [L] - Load Game) else (echo.) echo. [E] - New Game if "%lh_beep%"=="1" (echo. [S] - Sound: ON) else (echo. [S] - Sound: OFF) echo. [H] - Help echo. [X] - Exit echo. set lh_userppt= set /p lh_userppt= -: if "%lh_userppt%"=="n" set lh_changename=1 if "%lh_userppt%"=="n" if exist "%lh_playername%.bat" %lh_playername%.bat if "%lh_userppt%"=="s" goto beepswch if "%lh_userppt%"=="e" goto initgame if "%lh_userppt%"=="h" goto helpmenu if "%lh_userppt%"=="sh1" goto shelpmen if "%lh_userppt%"=="x" goto terminat goto mainmenu :beepswch if "%lh_beep%"=="1" (set lh_beep=) else (set lh_beep=1) if "%lh_beep%"=="1" @echo. goto mainmenu -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INIT GAME -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :initgame set lh_day=7 set lh_dutytime=-1 set lh_experience=0 set lh_gold=0 set lh_hp=5 set lh_hpmax=5 set lh_missions=0 set lh_missionexistancesentry= set lh_missionsthisweek=1 set lh_prestige=0 set lh_prestigeloss=1 set lh_rank=1 set lh_tohit=10 goto nextday -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEINIT GAME -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :deinitgm set lh_attackexperience= set lh_badgeline1= set lh_badgeline2= set lh_badgeline3= set lh_badgeline4= set lh_bodycount= set lh_day= set lh_dutytime= set lh_experience= set lh_gold= set lh_goldprestige= set lh_hp= set lh_hpmax= set lh_hqwarning= set lh_level= set lh_helpvar= set lh_missions= set lh_missionexistancesentry= set lh_missionsthisweek= set lh_missiontoday= set lh_prestige= set lh_prestigeloss= set lh_rank= set lh_rankname= set lh_tohit= set lh_upgrade= set lh_upgrade1= set lh_upgrade2= set lh_vlwarning= set lh_voidlifeform= goto mainmenu ================================================================================ HEADQUARTERS ================================================================================ :headqrts color 2f cls rem ---------=---------=---------=---------=---------=---------=---------=---------= echo. echo. ____________________________________ echo. HEADQUARTERS $ %lh_gold% echo. echo. %lh_badgeline1% %lh_rankname% %lh_playername% {%lh_prestige%} echo. %lh_badgeline2% echo. %lh_badgeline3%  %lh_hp%/%lh_hpmax% echo. %lh_badgeline4% + %lh_tohit%%% to hit echo. if "%lh_upgrade%"=="" goto noupgrad set /a lh_helpvar=%lh_hpmax%*2 if "%lh_upgrade1%"=="1" if /i %lh_gold% lss %lh_helpvar% echo. if "%lh_upgrade1%"=="" if /i %lh_gold% lss %lh_helpvar% echo. [ ] - Upgrade Health %lh_helpvar%$ if "%lh_upgrade1%"=="" if /i %lh_gold% geq %lh_helpvar% echo. [1] - Upgrade Health %lh_helpvar%$ if "%lh_upgrade2%"=="1" if /i %lh_gold% lss %lh_tohit% echo. if "%lh_upgrade2%"=="" if /i %lh_gold% lss %lh_tohit% echo. [ ] - Upgrade Attack %lh_tohit%$ if "%lh_upgrade2%"=="" if /i %lh_gold% geq %lh_tohit% echo. [2] - Upgrade Attack %lh_tohit%$ echo. ____________________________________ goto upgradhq :noupgrad echo. ____________________________________ echo. MISSION BRIEFING DAY %lh_day% echo. if "%lh_level%"=="0" echo. No mission available today. if "%lh_level%"=="1" echo. Difficulty þ if "%lh_level%"=="2" echo. Difficulty þþ if "%lh_level%"=="3" echo. Difficulty þþþ if "%lh_level%"=="4" echo. Difficulty þþþþ if "%lh_level%"=="5" echo. Difficulty þþþþþ if "%lh_level%"=="6" echo. Difficulty þþþþþþ if "%lh_level%"=="7" echo. Difficulty þþþþþþþ if "%lh_level%"=="8" echo. Difficulty þþþþþþþþ if "%lh_level%"=="9" echo. Difficulty þþþþþþþþþ if "%lh_level%"=="10" echo. Difficulty þþþþþþþþþþ if "%lh_level%"=="11" echo. Difficulty þþþþþþþþþþþ if "%lh_level%"=="12" echo. Difficulty þþþþþþþþþþþþ if "%lh_level%"=="13" echo. Difficulty þþþþþþþþþþþþþ if "%lh_level%"=="14" echo. Difficulty þþþþþþþþþþþþþþ if "%lh_level%"=="15" echo. Difficulty þþþþþþþþþþþþþþþ if "%lh_level%"=="16" echo. Difficulty þþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþ if "%lh_level%"=="17" echo. Difficulty þþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþ if "%lh_level%"=="18" echo. Difficulty þþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþ if "%lh_level%"=="19" echo. Difficulty þþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþ if "%lh_level%"=="20" echo. Difficulty þþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþ if "%lh_missionexistancesentry%"=="1" if "%lh_missionsthisweek%"=="0" if "%lh_hqwarning%"=="" echo. Complete mission or lose %lh_prestigeloss% prestige! if "%lh_hqwarning%"=="1" echo. Get positive prestige or quit duty! if "%lh_hqwarning%"=="" if /i %lh_prestige% lss %lh_goldprestige% echo. Get %lh_goldprestige% prestige or get no gold! :upgradhq echo. if "%lh_upgrade%"=="" echo. [D] - Wait for next day if "%lh_upgrade%"=="1" echo. [E] - End upgrade phase if "%lh_upgrade%"=="" echo. [E] - Enter mission echo. [X] - Exit game echo. set lh_userppt= set /p lh_userppt= -: if "%lh_userppt%"=="x" goto extcarer if "%lh_upgrade%"=="" if "%lh_userppt%"=="d" goto nextday if "%lh_upgrade%"=="" if not "%lh_level%"=="0" if "%lh_userppt%"=="e" goto initmiss if "%lh_upgrade%"=="1" if "%lh_upgrade1%"=="" if "%lh_userppt%"=="1" goto upgrade1 if "%lh_upgrade%"=="1" if "%lh_upgrade2%"=="" if "%lh_userppt%"=="2" goto upgrade2 if "%lh_upgrade%"=="1" if "%lh_userppt%"=="e" goto upgradex goto headqrts :upgradex set lh_upgrade= set lh_upgrade1= set lh_upgrade2= goto headqrts :upgrade1 if /i %lh_gold% lss %lh_helpvar% goto headqrts set /a lh_gold-=%lh_helpvar% set /a lh_hpmax+=1 set lh_hp=%lh_hpmax% set lh_upgrade1=1 goto headqrts :upgrade2 if /i %lh_gold% lss %lh_tohit% goto headqrts set /a lh_gold-=%lh_tohit% set /a lh_tohit+=1 set lh_upgrade2=1 goto headqrts -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCREEN QUIT? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :extcarer cls echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. DO YOU REALLY WANT TO QUIT THE CAREER? echo. echo. [E] - Yes echo. [X] - No echo. set lh_userppt= set /p lh_userppt= -: if "%lh_userppt%"=="e" goto deinitgm if "%lh_userppt%"=="x" goto headqrts goto extcarer -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEXT DAY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :nextday if "%lh_voidlifeform%"=="" set lh_voidlifeform=0 if not "%lh_voidlifeform%"=="0" set /a lh_prestige-=%lh_voidlifeform% set lh_voidlifeform= if not "%lh_hp%"=="%lh_hpmax%" if "%lh_missiontoday%"=="" set /a lh_hp+=1 set lh_missiontoday= set /a lh_dutytime+=1 set /a lh_day+=1 set /a lh_level=%random%%%6+%random%%%%lh_rank% set /a lh_helpvar=%random%%%10 if "%lh_day%"=="8" set lh_missionexistancesentry= if /i %lh_helpvar% lss 1 set lh_level=0 if not "%lh_level%"=="0" set lh_missionexistancesentry=1 set /a lh_goldprestige=%lh_rank%*10-10 if "%lh_day%"=="8" goto nextweek goto headqrts -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEXT WEEK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :nextweek if "%lh_missionexistancesentry%"=="" goto goldcalc if /i %lh_missionsthisweek% gtr 1 (goto nmission) else (goto %lh_missionsthisweek%mission) echo.FLOW ERROR 3 pause>nul goto xx :0mission set /a lh_prestige-=%lh_prestigeloss% set /a lh_prestigeloss*=2 :1mission goto prestige :nmission set /a lh_prestigeloss-=1 if "%lh_prestigeloss%"=="0" set lh_prestigeloss=1 set /a lh_prestige+=%lh_missionsthisweek%-1 :prestige if /i %lh_prestige% lss 0 if "%lh_hqwarning%"=="1" goto prstlose if /i %lh_prestige% lss 0 (set lh_hqwarning=1) else (set lh_hqwarning=) :goldcalc if "%lh_dutytime%"=="0" goto nogcheck if /i %lh_prestige% lss %lh_goldprestige% goto nogcheck if "%lh_rank%"=="1" set /a lh_gold+=1 if "%lh_rank%"=="2" set /a lh_gold+=1 if "%lh_rank%"=="3" set /a lh_gold+=2 if "%lh_rank%"=="4" set /a lh_gold+=2 if "%lh_rank%"=="5" set /a lh_gold+=2 if "%lh_rank%"=="6" set /a lh_gold+=3 if "%lh_rank%"=="7" set /a lh_gold+=3 if "%lh_rank%"=="8" set /a lh_gold+=4 if "%lh_rank%"=="9" set /a lh_gold+=5 :nogcheck :riserank if not "%lh_promotion%"=="" set /a lh_rank+=1 if not "%lh_rank%"=="1" goto ranknot1 set lh_rankname=Unit set lh_badgeline1=ÚÄ¿ set lh_badgeline2=³ ³ set lh_badgeline3=³ ³ set lh_badgeline4=ÀÄÙ goto rankdone :ranknot1 if not "%lh_rank%"=="2" goto ranknot2 set lh_rankname=Advanced Unit set lh_badgeline1=ÚÄ¿ set lh_badgeline2=³_³ set lh_badgeline3=³ ³ set lh_badgeline4=ÀÄÙ goto rankdone :ranknot2 if not "%lh_rank%"=="3" goto ranknot3 set lh_rankname=First Unit set lh_badgeline1=ÚÄ¿ set lh_badgeline2=³_³ set lh_badgeline3=ÅÄÅ set lh_badgeline4=ÀÄÙ goto rankdone :ranknot3 if not "%lh_rank%"=="4" goto ranknot4 set lh_rankname=Soldier set lh_badgeline1=ÚÄ¿ set lh_badgeline2=³ ³ set lh_badgeline3=ÛÛÛ set lh_badgeline4=ÀÄÙ goto rankdone :ranknot4 if not "%lh_rank%"=="5" goto ranknot5 set lh_rankname=Leader set lh_badgeline1=ÚÄ¿ set lh_badgeline2=³-³ set lh_badgeline3=ÛÛÛ set lh_badgeline4=ÀÄÙ goto rankdone :ranknot5 if not "%lh_rank%"=="6" goto ranknot6 set lh_rankname=Advanced Leader set lh_badgeline1=ÚÄ¿ set lh_badgeline2=³=³ set lh_badgeline3=ÛÛÛ set lh_badgeline4=ÀÄÙ goto rankdone :ranknot6 if not "%lh_rank%"=="7" goto ranknot7 set lh_rankname=Controller set lh_badgeline1=ÉÍ» set lh_badgeline2=ºIº set lh_badgeline3=º º set lh_badgeline4=Èͼ goto rankdone :ranknot7 if not "%lh_rank%"=="8" goto ranknot8 set lh_rankname=Brigade Commander set lh_badgeline1=ÉÍ» set lh_badgeline2=ºIº set lh_badgeline3=ÛÛÛ set lh_badgeline4=Èͼ goto rankdone :ranknot8 set lh_rankname=General set lh_badgeline1=ÉÍ» set lh_badgeline2=º*º set lh_badgeline3=ÛÛÛ set lh_badgeline4=Èͼ goto rankdone :rankdone if not "%lh_promotion%"=="" goto parade if "%lh_rank%"=="1" if /i %lh_dutytime% geq 50 if /i %lh_prestige% geq 10 set lh_promotion=%lh_rank% if "%lh_rank%"=="2" if /i %lh_dutytime% geq 100 if /i %lh_prestige% geq 25 set lh_promotion=%lh_rank% if "%lh_rank%"=="3" if /i %lh_dutytime% geq 250 if /i %lh_prestige% geq 50 set lh_promotion=%lh_rank% if "%lh_rank%"=="4" if /i %lh_dutytime% geq 500 if /i %lh_prestige% geq 90 set lh_promotion=%lh_rank% if "%lh_rank%"=="5" if /i %lh_dutytime% geq 1000 if /i %lh_prestige% geq 150 set lh_promotion=%lh_rank% if "%lh_rank%"=="6" if /i %lh_dutytime% geq 2000 if /i %lh_prestige% geq 250 set lh_promotion=%lh_rank% if "%lh_rank%"=="7" if /i %lh_dutytime% geq 3000 if /i %lh_prestige% geq 500 set lh_promotion=%lh_rank% if "%lh_rank%"=="8" if /i %lh_dutytime% geq 4000 if /i %lh_prestige% geq 800 set lh_promotion=%lh_rank% if "%lh_promotion%"=="" (goto nopromot) else (goto riserank) :parade set lh_promotion= color 6e cls echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. THE LIFEHUNTER BRIGADE PROMOTES YOU TO THE NEXT HIGHER RANK echo. echo. %lh_badgeline1% echo. %lh_badgeline2% echo. %lh_badgeline3% echo. %lh_badgeline4% pause>nul :nopromot set lh_day=1 set lh_missionsthisweek=0 if not "%lh_dutytime%"=="0" set lh_upgrade=1 goto headqrts -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INIT MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :initmiss set lh_vlwarning= set lh_voidlifeform=0 set lh_missiontoday=1 set lh_object0= set lh_object1= set lh_object2= set lh_object3= set lh_object4= set lh_object5= set lh_object6= set lh_object7= set lh_object8= set lh_object9= set lh_object10= set lh_object11= set lh_object12= set lh_object13= set lh_object14= set lh_object15= set lh_object16= set lh_object17= set lh_object18= set lh_object19= set lh_object20= set lh_bodycount=0 set lh_helpvar=-1 set lh_missionparameters= :chkofill set /a lh_helpvar+=1 set lh_missionparameters=%lh_missionparameters% lh_object%lh_helpvar% if not "%lh_helpvar%"=="%lh_level%" goto chkofill LifeHunter initboard %lh_missionparameters% :initboard set lh_missionparameters= shift :fillobjects set /a lh_randx=%random%%%10 set /a lh_randy=%random%%%10 call LifeHunter poscheck %lh_object0% %lh_object1% %lh_object2% %lh_object3% %lh_object4% %lh_object5% %lh_object6% %lh_object7% %lh_object8% %lh_object9% %lh_object10% %lh_object11% %lh_object12% %lh_object13% %lh_object14% %lh_object15% %lh_object16% %lh_object17% %lh_object18% %lh_object19% %lh_object20% if "%lh_place%"=="false" goto fillobjects set lh_place= set lh_type=2 set /a lh_helpvar=%random%%%100 if /i %lh_helpvar% geq 95 set lh_type=6 if /i %lh_helpvar% geq 85 set lh_type=5 if /i %lh_helpvar% lss 40 set lh_type=4 if /i %lh_helpvar% lss 35 set lh_type=7 if /i %lh_helpvar% lss 25 set lh_type=3 if /i %lh_helpvar% lss 15 set lh_type=1 if /i %lh_helpvar% lss 5 set lh_type=8 if "%1"=="lh_object0" set lh_type=0 set %1=%lh_randy%%lh_randx%%lh_type% if "%lh_type%"=="2" set /a lh_bodycount+=1 if "%lh_type%"=="5" set /a lh_bodycount+=1 if "%lh_type%"=="6" set /a lh_bodycount+=1 if "%lh_type%"=="6" set /a lh_voidlifeform+=1 shift if not "%1"=="" goto fillobjects set lh_randx= set lh_randy= set lh_type= if not "%lh_voidlifeform%"=="0" set lh_vlwarning=1 LifeHunter sortarray %lh_object0% %lh_object1% %lh_object2% %lh_object3% %lh_object4% %lh_object5% %lh_object6% %lh_object7% %lh_object8% %lh_object9% %lh_object10% %lh_object11% %lh_object12% %lh_object13% %lh_object14% %lh_object15% %lh_object16% %lh_object17% %lh_object18% %lh_object19% %lh_object20% :sortarray set lh_actors= set lh_containers= set lh_items= shift set lh_playermodelcontent=%1 shift :sortarayr set lh_helpvar=%1 if "%lh_helpvar:~2,1%"=="1" set lh_items=%lh_items% %lh_helpvar% if "%lh_helpvar:~2,1%"=="2" set lh_actors=%lh_helpvar% %lh_actors% if "%lh_helpvar:~2,1%"=="3" set lh_items=%lh_items% %lh_helpvar% if "%lh_helpvar:~2,1%"=="4" set lh_containers=%lh_helpvar% %lh_containers% if "%lh_helpvar:~2,1%"=="5" set lh_actors=%lh_helpvar% %lh_actors% if "%lh_helpvar:~2,1%"=="6" set lh_actors=%lh_helpvar% %lh_actors% if "%lh_helpvar:~2,1%"=="7" set lh_containers=%lh_containers% %lh_helpvar% if "%lh_helpvar:~2,1%"=="8" set lh_items=%lh_items% %lh_helpvar% shift if not "%1"=="" goto sortarayr LifeHunter writaray %lh_playermodelcontent% %lh_items% %lh_containers% %lh_actors% :writaray set lh_actors= set lh_containers= set lh_items= set lh_playermodelcontent= shift set lh_sortobjectcounter=0 :rewritar set lh_object%lh_sortobjectcounter%=%1 set /a lh_sortobjectcounter+=1 shift if not "%1"=="" goto rewritar set lh_sortobjectcounter= set lh_missionparameters= set lh_attackexperience=0 goto ingamere 0  1 . 2  3  4  5  6 Î 7  8 : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POSITION CHECKER DURING PLACE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :poscheck set lh_place= shift :poschec2 set lh_examine=%1 set lh_examine_v=%lh_examine:~0,1% set lh_examine_h=%lh_examine:~1,1% if "%lh_randy%"=="%lh_examine_v%" if "%lh_randx%"=="%lh_examine_h%" set lh_place=false set lh_examine= set lh_examine_v= set lh_examine_h= shift if "%lh_place%"=="false" goto xx if not "%1"=="" goto poschec2 goto xx ================================================================================ DRAW SCREEN ================================================================================ :ingamere if "%lh_hp%"=="0" goto levellos LifeHunter ingamerf %lh_object0% %lh_object1% %lh_object2% %lh_object3% %lh_object4% %lh_object5% %lh_object6% %lh_object7% %lh_object8% %lh_object9% %lh_object10% %lh_object11% %lh_object12% %lh_object13% %lh_object14% %lh_object15% %lh_object16% %lh_object17% %lh_object18% %lh_object19% %lh_object20% :ingamerf if "%lh_vlwarning%"=="1" goto vldetect set v0h0= set v0h1= set v0h2= set v0h3= set v0h4= set v0h5= set v0h6= set v0h7= set v0h8= set v0h9= set v1h0= set v1h1= set v1h2= set v1h3= set v1h4= set v1h5= set v1h6= set v1h7= set v1h8= set v1h9= set v2h0= set v2h1= set v2h2= set v2h3= set v2h4= set v2h5= set v2h6= set v2h7= set v2h8= set v2h9= set v3h0= set v3h1= set v3h2= set v3h3= set v3h4= set v3h5= set v3h6= set v3h7= set v3h8= set v3h9= set v4h0= set v4h1= set v4h2= set v4h3= set v4h4= set v4h5= set v4h6= set v4h7= set v4h8= set v4h9= set v5h0= set v5h1= set v5h2= set v5h3= set v5h4= set v5h5= set v5h6= set v5h7= set v5h8= set v5h9= set v6h0= set v6h1= set v6h2= set v6h3= set v6h4= set v6h5= set v6h6= set v6h7= set v6h8= set v6h9= set v7h0= set v7h1= set v7h2= set v7h3= set v7h4= set v7h5= set v7h6= set v7h7= set v7h8= set v7h9= set v8h0= set v8h1= set v8h2= set v8h3= set v8h4= set v8h5= set v8h6= set v8h7= set v8h8= set v8h9= set v9h0= set v9h1= set v9h2= set v9h3= set v9h4= set v9h5= set v9h6= set v9h7= set v9h8= set v9h9= shift :redrawob set lh_object=%1 set lh_object_v=%lh_object:~0,1% set lh_object_h=%lh_object:~1,1% set lh_object_t=%lh_object:~2,1% if "%lh_object_t%"=="0" set lh_object_t= if "%lh_object_t%"=="1" set lh_object_t=. if "%lh_object_t%"=="2" set lh_object_t= if "%lh_object_t%"=="3" set lh_object_t= if "%lh_object_t%"=="4" set lh_object_t= if "%lh_object_t%"=="5" set lh_object_t= if "%lh_object_t%"=="6" set lh_object_t=Î if "%lh_object_t%"=="7" set lh_object_t= if "%lh_object_t%"=="8" set lh_object_t=: set v%lh_object_v%h%lh_object_h%=%lh_object_t% shift if not "%1"=="" goto redrawob set lh_object= set lh_object_v= set lh_object_h= set lh_object_t= cls rem LifeHunter debugparameters %lh_object0% %lh_object1% %lh_object2% %lh_object3% %lh_object4% %lh_object5% %lh_object6% %lh_object7% %lh_object8% rem :debugparameters rem shift rem echo.%1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 rem echo.VHT VHT VHT VHT VHT VHT VHT VHT VHT echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» echo. Movement: º%v0h0%%v0h1%%v0h2%%v0h3%%v0h4%%v0h5%%v0h6%%v0h7%%v0h8%%v0h9%º  %lh_hp% echo. º%v1h0%%v1h1%%v1h2%%v1h3%%v1h4%%v1h5%%v1h6%%v1h7%%v1h8%%v1h9%º $ %lh_gold% echo. [W] º%v2h0%%v2h1%%v2h2%%v2h3%%v2h4%%v2h5%%v2h6%%v2h7%%v2h8%%v2h9%º echo. [A] [S] [D] º%v3h0%%v3h1%%v3h2%%v3h3%%v3h4%%v3h5%%v3h6%%v3h7%%v3h8%%v3h9%º EXP %lh_experience% echo. º%v4h0%%v4h1%%v4h2%%v4h3%%v4h4%%v4h5%%v4h6%%v4h7%%v4h8%%v4h9%º echo. Attack/use: º%v5h0%%v5h1%%v5h2%%v5h3%%v5h4%%v5h5%%v5h6%%v5h7%%v5h8%%v5h9%º echo. Walk on object º%v6h0%%v6h1%%v6h2%%v6h3%%v6h4%%v6h5%%v6h6%%v6h7%%v6h8%%v6h9%º echo. º%v7h0%%v7h1%%v7h2%%v7h3%%v7h4%%v7h5%%v7h6%%v7h7%%v7h8%%v7h9%º echo. [Q] - Wait º%v8h0%%v8h1%%v8h2%%v8h3%%v8h4%%v8h5%%v8h6%%v8h7%%v8h8%%v8h9%º echo. [X] - End/Exit º%v9h0%%v9h1%%v9h2%%v9h3%%v9h4%%v9h5%%v9h6%%v9h7%%v9h8%%v9h9%º echo. ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ color 1f set lh_userppt= set /p lh_userppt= -: if "%lh_userppt%"=="+" set if "%lh_userppt%"=="+" pause>nul if "%lh_userppt%"=="w" goto objmove1 if "%lh_userppt%"=="s" goto objmove1 if "%lh_userppt%"=="a" goto objmove1 if "%lh_userppt%"=="d" goto objmove1 if "%lh_userppt%"=="q" goto objmove1 if "%lh_userppt%"=="x" if not "%lh_bodycount%"=="0" goto levelabt if "%lh_userppt%"=="x" if "%lh_bodycount%"=="0" goto levelwon goto ingamere -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OBJECT MOVER -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :objmove1 LifeHunter objmover %lh_object0% %lh_object1% %lh_object2% %lh_object3% %lh_object4% %lh_object5% %lh_object6% %lh_object7% %lh_object8% %lh_object9% %lh_object10% %lh_object11% %lh_object12% %lh_object13% %lh_object14% %lh_object15% %lh_object16% %lh_object17% %lh_object18% %lh_object19% %lh_object20% echo.FLOW ERROR 2 pause>nul goto xx :objmover shift set lh_sourceobjectindex=-1 :objmove! set /a lh_sourceobjectindex+=1 if "%1"=="-" goto nomovmnt if "%lh_sourceobjectindex%"=="0" if "%lh_object0%"=="-" goto nomovmnt if "%lh_sourceobjectindex%"=="1" if "%lh_object1%"=="-" goto nomovmnt if "%lh_sourceobjectindex%"=="2" if "%lh_object2%"=="-" goto nomovmnt if "%lh_sourceobjectindex%"=="3" if "%lh_object3%"=="-" goto nomovmnt if "%lh_sourceobjectindex%"=="4" if "%lh_object4%"=="-" goto nomovmnt if "%lh_sourceobjectindex%"=="5" if "%lh_object5%"=="-" goto nomovmnt if "%lh_sourceobjectindex%"=="6" if "%lh_object6%"=="-" goto nomovmnt if "%lh_sourceobjectindex%"=="7" if "%lh_object7%"=="-" goto nomovmnt if "%lh_sourceobjectindex%"=="8" if "%lh_object8%"=="-" goto nomovmnt if "%lh_sourceobjectindex%"=="9" if "%lh_object9%"=="-" goto nomovmnt if "%lh_sourceobjectindex%"=="10" if "%lh_object10%"=="-" goto nomovmnt if "%lh_sourceobjectindex%"=="11" if "%lh_object11%"=="-" goto nomovmnt if "%lh_sourceobjectindex%"=="12" if "%lh_object12%"=="-" goto nomovmnt if "%lh_sourceobjectindex%"=="13" if "%lh_object13%"=="-" goto nomovmnt if "%lh_sourceobjectindex%"=="14" if "%lh_object14%"=="-" goto nomovmnt if "%lh_sourceobjectindex%"=="15" if "%lh_object15%"=="-" goto nomovmnt if "%lh_sourceobjectindex%"=="16" if "%lh_object16%"=="-" goto nomovmnt if "%lh_sourceobjectindex%"=="17" if "%lh_object17%"=="-" goto nomovmnt if "%lh_sourceobjectindex%"=="18" if "%lh_object18%"=="-" goto nomovmnt if "%lh_sourceobjectindex%"=="19" if "%lh_object19%"=="-" goto nomovmnt if "%lh_sourceobjectindex%"=="20" if "%lh_object20%"=="-" goto nomovmnt set lh_sourceobject=%1 if "%lh_sourceobject:~2,1%"=="1" goto nomovmnt if "%lh_sourceobject:~2,1%"=="3" goto nomovmnt if "%lh_sourceobject:~2,1%"=="4" goto nomovmnt if "%lh_sourceobject:~2,1%"=="7" goto nomovmnt if "%lh_sourceobject:~2,1%"=="8" goto nomovmnt set lh_sourceobjecttarget_v=%lh_sourceobject:~0,1% set lh_sourceobjecttarget_h=%lh_sourceobject:~1,1% if not "%lh_sourceobject:~2,1%"=="0" goto sobjnot0 if "%lh_userppt%"=="w" set /a lh_sourceobjecttarget_v-=1 if "%lh_userppt%"=="s" set /a lh_sourceobjecttarget_v+=1 if "%lh_userppt%"=="a" set /a lh_sourceobjecttarget_h-=1 if "%lh_userppt%"=="d" set /a lh_sourceobjecttarget_h+=1 goto sobjdone :sobjnot0 set /a lh_helpvar=%random%%%10 if "%lh_sourceobject:~2,1%"=="2" if /i %lh_helpvar% lss 2 goto enemyai! if "%lh_sourceobject:~2,1%"=="2" set /a lh_helpvar=%random%%%12 if "%lh_sourceobject:~2,1%"=="5" if /i %lh_helpvar% lss 4 goto enemyai! if "%lh_sourceobject:~2,1%"=="5" set /a lh_helpvar=%random%%%6 if "%lh_sourceobject:~2,1%"=="6" if /i %lh_helpvar% lss 8 goto enemyai! if "%lh_sourceobject:~2,1%"=="6" set /a lh_helpvar=%random%%%5 if "%lh_helpvar%"=="0" set /a lh_sourceobjecttarget_v-=1 if "%lh_helpvar%"=="1" set /a lh_sourceobjecttarget_v+=1 if "%lh_helpvar%"=="2" set /a lh_sourceobjecttarget_h-=1 if "%lh_helpvar%"=="3" set /a lh_sourceobjecttarget_h+=1 goto sobjdone :enemyai! set lh_aimdesirev=0 set lh_aimdesireh=0 if /i %lh_object0:~0,1% gtr %lh_sourceobject:~0,1% set /a lh_aimdesirev+=1 if /i %lh_object0:~0,1% lss %lh_sourceobject:~0,1% set /a lh_aimdesirev-=1 if /i %lh_object0:~1,1% gtr %lh_sourceobject:~1,1% set /a lh_aimdesireh+=1 if /i %lh_object0:~1,1% lss %lh_sourceobject:~1,1% set /a lh_aimdesireh-=1 set lh_helpvar=x if not "%lh_aimdesirev%"=="0" if not "%lh_aimdesireh%"=="0" set /a lh_helpvar=%random%%%2 if "%lh_helpvar%"=="0" set /a lh_sourceobjecttarget_v+=%lh_aimdesirev% if "%lh_helpvar%"=="1" set /a lh_sourceobjecttarget_h+=%lh_aimdesireh% if not "%lh_aimdesirev%"=="0" if "%lh_aimdesireh%"=="0" set /a lh_sourceobjecttarget_v+=%lh_aimdesirev% if not "%lh_aimdesireh%"=="0" if "%lh_aimdesirev%"=="0" set /a lh_sourceobjecttarget_h+=%lh_aimdesireh% set lh_aimdesirev= set lh_aimdesireh= :sobjdone if "%lh_sourceobjecttarget_v%"=="-1" set lh_sourceobjecttarget_v=0 if "%lh_sourceobjecttarget_v%"=="10" set lh_sourceobjecttarget_v=9 if "%lh_sourceobjecttarget_h%"=="-1" set lh_sourceobjecttarget_h=0 if "%lh_sourceobjecttarget_h%"=="10" set lh_sourceobjecttarget_h=9 call LifeHunter coldetec %lh_object0% %lh_object1% %lh_object2% %lh_object3% %lh_object4% %lh_object5% %lh_object6% %lh_object7% %lh_object8% %lh_object9% %lh_object10% %lh_object11% %lh_object12% %lh_object13% %lh_object14% %lh_object15% %lh_object16% %lh_object17% %lh_object18% %lh_object19% %lh_object20% if "%lh_sourceobject:~2,1%"=="0" goto playrcol goto enemycol :playrcol if "%lh_collisionwith_object:~2,1%"=="1" goto plyitem1 if "%lh_collisionwith_object:~2,1%"=="2" goto playatck if "%lh_collisionwith_object:~2,1%"=="3" goto plyitem3 if "%lh_collisionwith_object:~2,1%"=="4" goto plyitem4 if "%lh_collisionwith_object:~2,1%"=="5" goto playatck if "%lh_collisionwith_object:~2,1%"=="6" goto playatck if "%lh_collisionwith_object:~2,1%"=="7" goto plyitem7 if "%lh_collisionwith_object:~2,1%"=="8" goto plyitem8 goto movement :plyitem8 set /a lh_gold+=1 :plyitem1 color 6e set /a lh_gold+=1 set lh_object%lh_collisionwith_index%=- if "%lh_beep%"=="1" @echo. set lh_arraydeletionsensor=1 goto movement :playatck set /a lh_attackexperience+=1 if /i %lh_attackexperience% geq %lh_hp% set /a lh_experience+=1 if /i %lh_attackexperience% geq %lh_hp% set lh_attackexperience=0 set /a lh_helpvar=%random%%%100 if /i %lh_helpvar% geq %lh_tohit% goto nomovmnt set /a lh_bodycount-=1 set /a lh_experience+=1 set lh_object%lh_collisionwith_index%=- if "%lh_collisionwith_object:~2,1%"=="6" set /a lh_voidlifeform-=1 if "%lh_beep%"=="1" @echo. set lh_arraydeletionsensor=1 goto nomovmnt :plyitem3 color 2a if not "%lh_hp%"=="%lh_hpmax%" set /a lh_hp+=1 set lh_object%lh_collisionwith_index%=- if "%lh_beep%"=="1" @echo. set lh_arraydeletionsensor=1 goto movement :plyitem4 if "%lh_beep%"=="1" @echo. set /a lh_helpvar=%random%%%10 if /i %lh_helpvar% geq 8 set lh_object%lh_collisionwith_index%=- if /i %lh_helpvar% lss 8 set lh_object%lh_collisionwith_index%=%lh_collisionwith_object:~0,2%3 if /i %lh_helpvar% lss 4 set lh_object%lh_collisionwith_index%=%lh_collisionwith_object:~0,2%1 goto nomovmnt :plyitem7 if "%lh_beep%"=="1" @echo. set /a lh_helpvar=%random%%%33 if /i %lh_helpvar% geq 30 goto cucovoli if /i %lh_helpvar% lss 30 set lh_object%lh_collisionwith_index%=- if /i %lh_helpvar% lss 20 set lh_object%lh_collisionwith_index%=%lh_collisionwith_object:~0,2%3 if /i %lh_helpvar% lss 10 set lh_object%lh_collisionwith_index%=%lh_collisionwith_object:~0,2%1 if /i %lh_helpvar% lss 20 goto nomovmnt set /a lh_hp-=1 color 4c if "%lh_beep%"=="1" @echo. goto nomovmnt :cucovoli set lh_object%lh_collisionwith_index%=%lh_collisionwith_object:~0,2%6 set /a lh_bodycount+=1 if "%lh_vlwarning%"=="" set lh_vlwarning=1 set /a lh_voidlifeform+=1 set /a lh_hp-=1 set /a lh_experience+=1 color 4c if "%lh_beep%"=="1" @echo. goto nomovmnt :enemycol if "%lh_collisionwith_object:~2,1%"=="0" goto enemyatt if not "%lh_collisionwith_object:~2,1%"=="2" if not "%lh_collisionwith_object:~2,1%"=="4" if not "%lh_collisionwith_object:~2,1%"=="5" if not "%lh_collisionwith_object:~2,1%"=="6" if not "%lh_collisionwith_object:~2,1%"=="7" goto movement goto nomovmnt :enemyatt set /a lh_helpvar=%random%%%20 if "%lh_sourceobject:~2,1%"=="2" if /i %lh_helpvar% geq 5 goto nomovmnt if "%lh_sourceobject:~2,1%"=="5" if /i %lh_helpvar% geq 8 goto nomovmnt if "%lh_sourceobject:~2,1%"=="6" if /i %lh_helpvar% geq 3 goto nomovmnt set /a lh_hp-=1 set /a lh_experience+=1 color 4c if "%lh_beep%"=="1" @echo. goto nomovmnt :movement set lh_object%lh_sourceobjectindex%=%lh_sourceobjecttarget_v%%lh_sourceobjecttarget_h%%lh_sourceobject:~2,1% :nomovmnt set lh_collisionwith_object= set lh_collisionwith_index= shift if not "%1"=="" goto objmove! set lh_sourceobjectindex= set lh_sourceobject= set lh_sourceobjecttarget_v= set lh_sourceobjecttarget_h= if "%lh_arraydeletionsensor%"=="1" LifeHunter comparay %lh_object0% %lh_object1% %lh_object2% %lh_object3% %lh_object4% %lh_object5% %lh_object6% %lh_object7% %lh_object8% %lh_object9% %lh_object10% %lh_object11% %lh_object12% %lh_object13% %lh_object14% %lh_object15% %lh_object16% %lh_object17% %lh_object18% %lh_object19% %lh_object20% goto ingamere -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COLLISION DETECTION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :coldetec shift set lh_targetobject_index=-1 :coldete! set /a lh_targetobject_index+=1 if "%1"=="-" goto nocollis if "%lh_targetobject_index%"=="%lh_sourceobjectindex%" goto nocollis set lh_targetobject=%1 if not "%lh_targetobject:~0,2%"=="%lh_sourceobjecttarget_v%%lh_sourceobjecttarget_h%" goto nocollis if "%lh_collisionwith_object:~2,1%"=="0" goto collisxx if "%lh_collisionwith_object:~2,1%"=="2" goto collisxx if "%lh_collisionwith_object:~2,1%"=="4" goto collisxx if "%lh_collisionwith_object:~2,1%"=="5" goto collisxx if "%lh_collisionwith_object:~2,1%"=="6" goto collisxx if "%lh_collisionwith_object:~2,1%"=="7" goto collisxx set lh_collisionwith_object=%lh_targetobject% set lh_collisionwith_index=%lh_targetobject_index% :nocollis shift if not "%1"=="" goto coldete! :collisxx set lh_targetobject_index= set lh_targetobject= goto xx -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARRAY SHRINKER -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :comparay set lh_lastobject=%lh_level% set /a lh_level-=1 set lh_arraydeletionsensor= set lh_currentarrayindex=-1 shift :compara2 set /a lh_currentarrayindex+=1 :compara3 set lh_helpvar=%1 if "%lh_helpvar%"=="-" shift if "%lh_helpvar%"=="-" goto compara3 if /i %lh_currentarrayindex% lss %lh_lastobject% (set lh_object%lh_currentarrayindex%=%1) else (set lh_object%lh_currentarrayindex%=) shift if not "%lh_currentarrayindex%"=="%lh_lastobject%" goto compara2 set lh_lastobject= set lh_currentarrayindex= goto ingamere -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEINIT MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :deinitms set v0h0= set v0h1= set v0h2= set v0h3= set v0h4= set v0h5= set v0h6= set v0h7= set v0h8= set v0h9= set v1h0= set v1h1= set v1h2= set v1h3= set v1h4= set v1h5= set v1h6= set v1h7= set v1h8= set v1h9= set v2h0= set v2h1= set v2h2= set v2h3= set v2h4= set v2h5= set v2h6= set v2h7= set v2h8= set v2h9= set v3h0= set v3h1= set v3h2= set v3h3= set v3h4= set v3h5= set v3h6= set v3h7= set v3h8= set v3h9= set v4h0= set v4h1= set v4h2= set v4h3= set v4h4= set v4h5= set v4h6= set v4h7= set v4h8= set v4h9= set v5h0= set v5h1= set v5h2= set v5h3= set v5h4= set v5h5= set v5h6= set v5h7= set v5h8= set v5h9= set v6h0= set v6h1= set v6h2= set v6h3= set v6h4= set v6h5= set v6h6= set v6h7= set v6h8= set v6h9= set v7h0= set v7h1= set v7h2= set v7h3= set v7h4= set v7h5= set v7h6= set v7h7= set v7h8= set v7h9= set v8h0= set v8h1= set v8h2= set v8h3= set v8h4= set v8h5= set v8h6= set v8h7= set v8h8= set v8h9= set v9h0= set v9h1= set v9h2= set v9h3= set v9h4= set v9h5= set v9h6= set v9h7= set v9h8= set v9h9= set lh_attackexperience= set lh_bodycount= set lh_vlwarning= goto nextday -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCREEN VOID LIFEFORM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :vldetect color 3b cls echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. VOID-LIFEFORM DETECTED! pause>nul set lh_vlwarning= goto ingamerf -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCREEN LEVEL COMPLETED -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :levelwon color 2f set /a lh_missions+=1 set /a lh_missionsthisweek+=1 cls echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. MISSION COMPLETED pause>nul goto deinitms -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCREEN ABORT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :levelabt color 2f set /a lh_prestige-=1 cls echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. MISSION ABORTED pause>nul goto deinitms -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCREEN KILLED -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :levellos color 4c cls echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. KILLED IN ACTION pause>nul goto deinitgm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCREENP RESITGE LOSE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :prstlose color 2f cls echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. THROWN OUT OF LIFEHUNTER BRIGADE echo. echo. (You lost too much prestige) pause>nul goto deinitgm ================================================================================ SECRET HELP MENU ================================================================================ :shelpmen cls rem ---------=---------=---------=---------=---------=---------=---------=---------= echo. echo. SECRET HELP MENU echo. echo. Welcome to the secret help menu. Have a look at the approximate percentages echo. which calculate certain events. echo. echo. ------------------------------------------------------- echo. # NAME EXIST IDLE ROAM HUNT HIT echo. ------------------------------------------------------- echo.  Spiked Crawler 50%% %% %% %% 25%% echo.  Horror 10%% %% %% %% 40%% echo. Î Void-Lifeform 5%% %% %% %% 15%% echo. echo. All non-player actors will die upon the first successful hit. echo. echo. ------------------------------------------------------- echo. # NAME EXIST .  Î PAIN echo. ------------------------------------------------------- echo.  Chest 10%% 40%% 50%% - - echo.  Cursed Container 5%% 30%% 30%% 9%% 30%% echo. echo. echo. echo. Page 1/1 pause>nul goto mainmenu ================================================================================ HELP MENU ================================================================================ :helpmenu cls rem ---------=---------=---------=---------=---------=---------=---------=---------= echo. echo. GAME OVERVIEW echo. echo. In this game you become a member of the LifeHunter Brigade - institution of echo. the official army - which kills monsters all over the country in the name echo. of the empire and to defend people. echo. echo. CONTROLS echo. echo. Every user input must be verified with the [ENTER] key. The game can be echo. played using the left hand for [W] [S] [A] [D] and it's proximate keys and echo. the right hand for [ENTER]. (For it is used after every left hand input.) echo. If not stated otherwise on the screen, [X] will mostly quit/exit a menu. echo. The program does not react on input of capital letters. Type small ones. echo. echo. GAME SPEED echo. echo. Please Run the game preferably from a hard disk or another quick data echo. medium to ensure a certain game speed. echo. echo. FULL SCREEN echo. echo. Press [ALT]+[ENTER] for fullscreen mode. (The left Alt-key.) echo. Page 1/8 pause>nul cls rem ---------=---------=---------=---------=---------=---------=---------=---------= echo. echo. HEADQUARTERS echo. echo. After beginning a new game, you are offered missions throughout the week. echo. You must complete at least 1 mission to prevent losing prestige. Having echo. negative prestige the LifeHunter Brigade will throw you out, because they echo. only want the best soldiers with good reputation. echo. You earn 1 health point for every day you wait in the headquarters. echo. echo. WINNING AND LOSING CONDITIONS echo. echo. Hold the rank of General for one week to win the game. Lose by being killed echo. or thrown out of the brigade. You begin with the lowest rank. (Unit) echo. echo. PLAYER STATISTICS echo. echo. Health : Lose it to die. echo. Attack : Chance of a hit. Every successful hit will kill an enemy. echo. Experience: Score. Gained by killing enemies or attacking them with only 1 echo. health left. (Like a mean fighter.) echo. Prestige : Your reputation in the army and requirement for higher ranks. echo. Let it go under zero to be thrown out of the brigade. echo. echo. Page 2/8 pause>nul cls rem ---------=---------=---------=---------=---------=---------=---------=---------= echo. echo. MISSIONS echo. echo. If available (if monsters roam around), the brigade can offer missions to echo. it's members. The missions differ in difficulty (number of objects) and echo. content. Some missions can contain only items, because there are no more echo. monsters present. You can end a mission anytime pressing [R]. If you exit echo. a mission before all monsters are killed, you will instantly lose 1 echo. prestige. echo. echo. The brigade wants you to complete at least one mission per week. Doing so, echo. you will not lose prestige - but neither gain any. You can only win echo. prestige by completing more than one mission per week. You lose prestige, echo. if you remain idle for too long. The rate of losing prestige will increase echo. during the weeks you don't complete any mission. echo. echo. There is a possibility that there will be no missions in a week... In that echo. case, you will not experience negative effects. (Because it is not your echo. fault.) echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. Page 3/8 pause>nul cls rem ---------=---------=---------=---------=---------=---------=---------=---------= echo. echo. RANKS echo. echo. ÚÄ¿ ÚÄ¿ ÚÄ¿ ÚÄ¿ ÚÄ¿ ÚÄ¿ ÉÍ» ÉÍ» ÉÍ» Have a close look at the echo. ³ ³ ³_³ ³_³ ³ ³ ³-³ ³=³ ºIº ºIº º*º chronologically sorted echo. ³ ³ ³ ³ ÅÄÅ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ º º ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ service ranks you can echo. ÀÄÙ ÀÄÙ ÀÄÙ ÀÄÙ ÀÄÙ ÀÄÙ Èͼ Èͼ Èͼ achieve in the brigade. echo. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 echo. echo. PROMOTION REQUIREMENTS echo. echo. ----------------------------------------- Here you can see the required echo. # DUTY PST PAY RANK duty time in days (DTY) and echo. ----------------------------------------- required prestige (PST) to be echo. 1 0 0 1$ Unit promoted. echo. 2 50 10 1$ Advanced Unit echo. 3 100 25 2$ First Unit You will never lose a rank echo. 4 250 50 2$ Soldier that you once achieved, but echo. 5 500 90 2$ Leader you will be thrown out, if echo. 6 1000 150 3$ Advanced Leader you are too inefficient as echo. 7 2000 250 3$ Controller expected from a LifeHunter. echo. 8 3000 500 4$ Brigade Commander echo. 9 4000 800 5$ General echo. Page 4/8 pause>nul cls rem ---------=---------=---------=---------=---------=---------=---------=---------= echo. echo. MEDALS AND BADGES echo. echo. There are some special medals and badges you get from the brigade for echo. excellent behavior in duty. To make it a little surprise, find out how to echo. get them performing excellent service to the brigade. echo. echo. -x- Combat Badge echo. =x= Rugged Combat Badge echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. Page 5/8 pause>nul cls rem ---------=---------=---------=---------=---------=---------=---------=---------= echo. echo. OBJECTS echo. echo. A list of things you will encounter. Some of them are really scary! echo. echo. ACTORS ITEMS echo. echo.  LifeHunter (You) . Coin : Two Coins echo.  Spiked Crawler  Chest  Cursed Container echo.  Horror  Health echo. Î Void-Lifeform echo. echo. INTERACTION echo. echo. Walk on objects to interact (attack, use or collect) them. echo. echo. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE echo. echo. The monsters actualy have an AI: They decide weather to do nothing, to echo. perform a random move or to hunt the player directly. The tendency of echo. decision depends on monster type. As attacking works the same way for all echo. actors, the related movement abilities conclude a monster's combat echo. potential. echo. Page 6/8 pause>nul rem ---------=---------=---------=---------=---------=---------=---------=---------= cls echo. echo. LIFEHUNTER SCRIPTING TECHNOLOGY echo. echo. The game is very limited in it's abilities, as it is limited to the command echo. line interpreter of Windows. So even more proudly I present you a rather echo. complex game; a diamond that emerged out of the allegedly useless mud of echo. the console. If you've done scripting you know what I am talking about... echo. Keeping this limitations - and their difficult but somehow innovative echo. bypass processes that always go versus gaming speed - in mind, please enjoy echo. this game as much as you can. Why? It's a miracle! =) echo. echo. WHAT MAKES LIFEHUNTER SO SPECIAL? echo. echo. Despite of it's relative complexity, the script only uses variables for echo. information storage - which makes programming very difficult! Here are some echo. tricks that have been used to enable/create the game's "engine": echo. echo. þ Calculating skills of command "set". echo. þ Possibility to construct variable names on the left side of the set- echo. command with help of other variable content. (set %%variablename%%=1) echo. þ Fragmentation of variable contents. (%%variable:^~7,1%%) echo. þ Comparing parameter arrays with self-"call" using new parameters, which echo. has an effect like using procedures/functions. echo. Page 7/8 pause>nul cls rem ---------=---------=---------=---------=---------=---------=---------=---------= echo. echo. HELP AND SUPPORT echo. echo. þ http://freenet-homepage.de/vultracide echo. þ vultracider_jadison@hotmail.de echo. echo. Do not hestitate to contact me for any reason related to this software echo. product. Please search for Vultracide in the internet, if the contact data echo. proves not to be up-to-date in future. Thank you for your interest. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ echo. Software for private use only. Use ony permitted if obtained at an instance echo. of Vultracide (e.g. Website, E-Mail) or an other authorized source. DO NOT echo. ALTER THE PROGRAM CODE! DO NOT DISTRIBUTE! Thank you for your help. echo. echo. LifeHunter is Copyright (c) 2010 by Paul Roman Ograbisz and published under echo. the label of Vultracide Superior Gaming, a division of Vultracide. All echo. rights reserved. Vultracide and Vultracide Superior Gaming are Copyright (c) echo. 2010 by Paul Roman Ograbisz. All rights reserved. echo. echo. Page 8/8 pause>nul goto mainmenu ================================================================================ TERMINATE ================================================================================ :terminat set lh_beep= set lh_helpvar= set lh_object0= set lh_object1= set lh_object2= set lh_object3= set lh_object4= set lh_object5= set lh_object6= set lh_object7= set lh_object8= set lh_playername= set lh_userppt= mode con rate=31 color 07 cls echo.Thank you for playing LifeHunter. The Brigade needs you! echo.Alpha testers please report undeleted variables: echo.--- list begin --- set lh echo.--- list end --- echo. echo. pause>nul :xx